最新版 Pentadactyl 支持Firefox 36.*

xpi 文件,直接选 Firefox 打开即可安装。



好消息,官网终于又开始提供 nightly  build 了。

如果你更新完 Firefox 然后被提示之前的 Pentadactyl  不兼容了,那么去下面这个链接,下载安装即可。


121 重新归一

当某天500G,或者1T 2T的硬盘上提示空间不足时,这才发觉原先设想中的巨型仓库竟然就这么被塞满了。如果再仔细瞅瞅,通常会发现,其实并不是保存多少资料文档,很大的可能则是一些文件一遍又一遍地出现在不同的分区或者文件夹里面,就像病毒一样自我复制,急遽消耗着硬盘资源。如果你用的SSD,那损失就更大了。

如此常见的需求,理论上自然不乏工具软件了。网上一通搜索,竟然只有寥寥几个,试用了一个似乎名叫easy duplicate finder的,功能平平,奇葩的是,居然还需缴费购买license,即使是个人或者家庭用户。

自己动手,丰衣足食。于是,就有了121,免费开放给个人和家庭用户,欢迎大家使用,更欢迎大家提供反馈意见。使用方法,请见 121 重新归一 页面。

Setting DNS in Ubuntu and chattr

Setting DNS in Ubuntu

As has been mentioned here on several occasions using Google’s Open DNS servers is a much better solution than using the DNS server provided by your ISP.

This is how to change your DNS setting in Ubuntu to use said Google DNS server using gedit as a text editor(substitute your editor of choice where gedit is used):

In a terminal:

sudo gedit /etc/resolve.conf

In order to use the Google DNS you will need to add two entries into the file as such:


Save the file

Now the only problem is the next time you reboot or restart your networking interface(s) your DNS servers will be reset by the system to use the settings given by the DHCP server. Since this is counter-productive to the task at hand we will write-protect the resolve.conf file using the following command in terminal

sudo chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf

This gives your resolv.conf file an immutable file attribute preventing anything from modifying it.
In turn if you ever decide you would like to change DNS servers again remember to use the following command before attempting to edit the file again:

sudo chattr -i /etc/resolv.conf

Firefox 用SSH代理浏览 Facebook Twitter

发现用同样的代理配置,其他浏览器正常工作,偏偏就 Firefox 不能登录 Facebook 和 Twitter,而除这两个外其他墙外网站却都可以正常浏览。


  • Firefox地址栏输入 about:config;
  • 有安全提示,点击继续;
  • 找到“network.proxy.socks_remote_dns”,双击改为True(默认False);
  • 可能需要重启Firefox。

lftp 使用方法备忘


lftp userName:password@ftpName.domain or IP address;

lftp ftpName.domain or IP address, 然后 user userName, 根据提示输入密码;

如果要访问的ftp地址及帐户已加入到bookmark, 可以直接 lftp bookmarkName 登录。

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